If you would like to make a request for your personal information, this should be done in writing through a subject access enquiry under Data Protection legislation. The Data Protection legislation is designed to protect your personal data and to make sure that it is dealt with carefully and properly.
If you wish to make a Subject Access Request to Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service, you may do so, in writing only, to:
Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service
Lime Grove Avenue
SA31 1SP
Or by emailing mail@mawwfire.gov.uk
To ensure that requests are dealt with as efficiently as possible please provide:
- Your full name
- Address for correspondence
- Clearly describe the information you are requesting
- Two forms of Identification documents that between them are sufficient to prove your name, date of birth, current address and signature. Examples of acceptable identification include copies of passport, driving licence, birth/marriage certificates or utility bills.
Once a valid Subject Access Request has been received, a response will be provided to you within 1 calendar month. However, this can be extended in certain circumstances.