Joint Fire Control

Do you have what it takes?

Control Firefighters play an active part in bringing incidents to successful conclusions through the use of specialised call handling techniques. Are you able to process information, prioritise tasks and identify which of those has the highest level of urgency?

The role of the Fire Service has changed considerably over the last few years and the role of the Fire Control Operator has adapted to reflect the new demands faced by a modern Fire and Rescue Service.

Fire Control Staff don’t just answer emergency calls and mobilise fire appliances, they play a vital part in bringing incidents to successful conclusions through the use of specialised call handling techniques. Fire Control staff must be ready to give life-saving advice to callers, communicate vital information and messages, respond to requests from the Officer in Charge of an incident, liaise with other emergency services and organisations and track availability of emergency resources. Other tasks include routine administrative work.

What can you expect from the role?

I’ve worked for Joint Fire Control for twenty-five years. I enjoy the busy times of year - the run up to bonfire night, grass fires, flooding, it can be extremely challenging but it is rewarding because we get to help the people who need us, when they really do need us.

Norman Rees - Crew Manager, Prevention and Protection Team.

My role as a Firefighter Control involves taking 999 calls, as well as liaising with Police and Ambulance and alarm companies. We also use the radio to communicate with crews on scene, as well as a lot of admin duties. It’s a really good career path and it’s just a one of a kind job, it’s always exciting, you make some really great friends, we’re a small team and it’s a really great job to have.

Elinor Wall - Firefighter Control

I’ve been in control for just over 12 years. We manage and administer our mobilising system, and ensure that all site specific risk information is included, so that crews get it on route to an incident. Some of the most challenging things are we are dealing with people’s lives, and we’ve got to make sure that we get everything right so that we get the correct response to someone’s address when they need us. I would encourage anyone to apply for a job in Fire Control, it’s a great place to work, there’s loads of opportunities and a great shift pattern.

Lloyd Ketcher - Systems Team

Every day is different, no incident’s the same. It’s just the teamwork, the camaraderie with the Watch, and also working with the Police as well, you’ve built up friendships and relationships with them as well. I can genuinely say that I absolutely love my job, I have done since the day I started doing it.

Gemma Thomas - Temporary Crew Manager