Fire Safety Education

Fire Safety Education

Our aim is to engage with Children and Young people and raise awareness of the importance in keeping safe.

Our objectives enable children and young people to:

  • Identify fire hazards in and around the home.
  • Understand the importance of testing smoke alarms.
  • Discuss and plan fire escape routes with their parents.
  • Be empowered to resist peer pressure, in relation to fire crimes such as arson and hoax calls.
  • Explore the roles and responsibilities of the Fire Service in Wales through our Welsh Baccalaureate projects.

We deliver a variety of safety messages to agencies:

  • Flying Start
  • Cylch Meithrin
  • Libraries
  • Primary and Secondary Schools
  • Beavers, Brownies, Cubs, Scouts, Guides, Pony Clubs
  • Further Education and Higher Education

For further information please contact:

Gwenda Jenkins
Education Advisor
Community Safety Headquarters
Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service
Lime Grove Avenue
Carmarthen SA31 1SP

Tel: 0370 60 60 699 