Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service Headquarters
Lime Grove Avenue
SA31 1SP
Telephone: 0370 6060699
To deliver our services effectively, Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service may need to collect and process your personal data. The Service is committed to protecting that data and this privacy notice explains how the Service uses information about you and how we protect.
To deliver our services effectively, Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service may need to collect and process your personal data. The Service is committed to protecting that data and this privacy notice explains how the Service uses information about you and how we protect.
This notice may be updated from time to time, to reflect the changing nature of our services.
The information that we hold enables us undertake prevention, protection and emergency services to the communities that we serve. We may also use some of the information to help us to improve our services. Examples of how we collect and use personal information include:
The type of information we process about individuals will vary, depending on the type of service being provided. Examples might include:
However - we will only collect what we need to in order to deliver that particular service. Some examples are provided below
When we answer a 999 call and responding to an emergency we need information such as:
To provide specific advice about safety in your home we would may need information including:
As a service we process information, including personal information, about the services we provide, to generate statistics. These are used to enable us to identify areas where we can improve the services we provide and/or to enable us to develop specific advice. As well as using them for your own purposes – we are also required to provide information to agencies such as Welsh Government.
Whilst we process personal data to obtain the statistical data – the actual statistics themselves are anonymous.
Information that may help us with this include:
Where information is requested for statistical purposes, it is optional for you to provide it (which will be explained to you at the time).
Often, the information is provided by you – for example when you contact us by telephone, fill in one of our online forms or when we visit you at home or at your place of business. Sometimes it may be provided by:
MAWWFRS are committed to ensuring that all of our information, including personal data, is held safely.
Much of our information is recorded and held on electronic/computer systems. These are protected by security measures to prevent unauthorised access. The systems that hold personal information have higher access level controls.
This is supported by having secure work areas, as well as staff training, guidance and procedures to ensure that everyone is aware of the importance of looking after sensitive and personal data.
This combination of measures helps us to ensure that your information cannot be seen, accessed by, or disclosed to, anyone who shouldn’t see it.
The information held may be accessed by authorised MAWWFRS staff who need it to undertake their role. This may be staff across a variety of departments and locations.
We may engage the services of commercial companies to store and manage your information on our behalf, for example our IT software systems. In many cases, these companies do have the ability to access those systems and therefore may have access to any data held on those systems. However, this will only be for system maintenance and is carefully managed to minimise any risks to personal data.
There are organisations that we “employ” to provide services on our behalf, or that we work in conjunction with, who will access your personal data – for example we work with partners to deliver Home Safety Checks.
Where we work with any third party provider, they too have legal obligations to protect your information – however, MAWWFRS carry out a variety of checks and have agreements in place, where appropriate, to ensure that your data is given an adequate level of protection.
In order to fulfill our legal obligations, or in the interest of public safety, we may share your information with other organisations such as:
Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service Headquarters
Lime Grove Avenue
SA31 1SP
Telephone: 0370 6060699
In order for us to process personal data, we must have a legal basis to do so – these are defined in data protection legislation. The legal basis will differ depending on the service provided, why it is being provided and the sensitivity of the information we are collecting. The legal reasons include:
You have a legal right to request a copy of the information that we hold about you. Your request will be dealt with in line with Data Protection legislation.
We want to make sure that your personal information is accurate and you have the right to request we correct or remove information which you think is inaccurate.
You also have the right to ask for any personal data to be deleted – this will only where the information is inaccurate, incorrect and/or where there is no legal basis for us to retain it.
To exercise your legal rights, or if you have any queries or concerns regarding our use of personal data, please contact our data protection officer in the first instance.
Data Protection Officer
Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service Headquarters
Lime Grove Avenue
SA31 1SP
Email: dataprotection@mawwfire.gov.uk
Telephone: 0370 6060699
You also have the right to raise any concerns you have with the Information Commissioner, who oversees Data Protection Legislation. Further information can be found on their website ico.org.uk or you can contact them here:
The Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Telephone: 0303 123 1113
Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service (The Service) have been approached by Hywel Dda University Health Board (the Health Board) to assist in providing transport to members of the community to identified COVID-19 Vaccination Centres across the Health Board area. To enable Service staff to do this, we need to be provided with some personal data.
The Health Board will provide the Service with
We need this so that we can contact you to arrange an appropriate collection time.The Health Board may also provide us with limited details regarding your health/personal circumstances, only where that may help us to provide you with the appropriate support. For example, if you have any mobility issues, that will help us decide what vehicle is best and/or that you may need assistance getting from your house to our vehicle
The Service will not collect additional information whilst providing our transport service. However, during the journey, your driver, who will be an employee of the Service, will tell you about services we can offer, such as free Home Safety Checks. If you express an interest in any of those services, the driver will pass your contact information to the relevant team within the Service, who will contact you to discuss further. You are not obliged to take up any of the services offered, but if you decide to then we will explain any other details we will collect and how those will be used.
We will not keep any information longer than is necessary for this transport service. We need to keep the data for at least 28 days, in line with requirements for Welsh Government’s Trace, Track and Protect programme, and we will not retain it any longer than 3 months.
Your data will be securely disposed of when no longer required. Whilst we hold it, it will be accessible only to those Service staff providing the transport and a small central coordination team within the Service.
In order to collect or use personal information we must have a valid legal or lawful basis. In this case this data is processed for a task that is in the public interest, and in the interests of public health.
If you have any further questions or you are in any way concerned about how the Service is looking after your personal data, please contact the Service Data Protection Officer, Jackie Evans, whose contact details are below.
You also have a legal right to request a copy of the information that we hold about you, again, this should be addressed to the Service Data Protection Officer.
Data Protection Officer
Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service Headquarters
Lime Grove Avenue
SA31 1SP
Email: dataprotection@mawwfire.gov.uk
Telephone: 0370 6060699 Ext. 4435
Copyright © Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service, all rights reserved. Reproduction of any items contained on this Internet site or linking to this Internet site is strictly prohibited without the Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service consent.
The Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service is committed to protecting the privacy of all visitors to the web site and related web pages. The Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service do not capture or permanently store user information other than that automatically generated by the system and is used solely for evaluation and improvement.
When asked for any personal information such as name, address, telephone number etc, the information will be used only to provide the service to you directly. Under the Data Protection Act 1998, The Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service have a legal duty to protect information collected from visitors to the web site. Certain services require the collection and process of personal information to provide efficient services to be delivered. Only the minimum required data is collected from visitors, and held only for the maximum time required to perform the service. All information collected is stored securely in Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service databases and processed internally.
Under no circumstances will the Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service rent or sell your personal information to third parties without your permission.
The Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service have embedded in the site various web site links which are not controlled by us, and these sites have their own individual Privacy Policy. It is highly recommended that you read and check their terms before providing any personal information on their sites.
We at The Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service welcome any comments relating to this Privacy Policy - please use our Contact Us page
This privacy statement relates to how Mid and West Wales Fire & Rescue Service (MAWWFRS) use your personal data in relation to recruitment of our Wholetime Firefighter posts.
The details we hold will be the information you enter either our online application forms, or that we ask you to send directly to us as part of the ongoing recruitment exercise.
If you have chosen to provide information Equal Opportunities form, this information will be held for statistical purposes only and will not be linked to your application. This information will not be used for any other purpose – and does not form part of the actual recruitment process.
The details you provide will be used only to process your application for employment. The information enables us to ensure that you fit the job description and person specification, and to enable recruitment staff to make an informed decision about your suitability to the post.
Some of the information will be used to enable us to verify your identify and to confirm that you can legally work within the UK.
The information you provide to us will be used:
For successful candidates the information will also be retained in order to create your personnel record file.
We will use and retain the information only in a manner that complies with relevant data protection legislation.
We will endeavour to keep your information accurate and up to date – however, if you believe the information we have is incorrect or you know some details have changed do let us know so that we can record those changes.
We will not keep any information longer than is necessary for the purpose we collected it for, or use it for anything else unless we have told you about it (or because we have been legally required to do so).
Information will be retained only for the length of the recruitment activity;
Information will be retained for the duration of your employment contract;
If you have been advised that you are on a holding list we will retain your information for up to 18 months
When disposing of information, we will make sure that we do so in a secure way. Electronic information is deleted from all systems, any paper copies of information are stored securely whilst in use, then will be shredded.
In order to collect or use personal information we must a valid legal or lawful basis. In this case the following bases apply:
Where we ask for information relating to your health, we must identify a further legal basis. In this case that legal basis is:
Our aim is to be professional in the collection of your personal data and not to be intrusive, and we won’t ask irrelevant or unnecessary questions. The information you provide will be subject to rigours measures and procedures to ensure it can’t be seen, accessed or disclosed to anyone who shouldn’t see it.
The information you provide will be held securely on our IT system, accessible only to authorised users – namely our Recruitment and Assessment team, and the individuals selected for the Interview Panel.
The data you provide within your application form may be accessed by all members of our Recruitment and Assessment team, and, if required by other members of our wider HR team.
If will also be provided to members of the Interview Panel, as part of the selection process. Those individuals are provided with this information alongside full guidance on confidentiality and are not permitted to discuss any aspect of applications with anyone other than Recruitment and Assessment.
Our On-line application process is hosted through 3rd party system, Apollo, with the applications and assessments being hosted by two external providers.
They do not directly access your information and do not disclose or share that information with anyone else, they simply hold your information on our behalf. The systems carry out some analysis of the information you have provided – to make it easier for our recruitment team to see the most relevant information at each stage of the assessment process, however, there is no automated decision making.
For the initial application stage, you will be entering your information directly onto the Apollo system, where it will be processed by A&DC. You can find more about how they use data here A&DC Privacy Information
For the remaining stages, your information will be uploaded and held on a system administered by Test Partnership. You can find more about how they use data here. Test Partnership Privacy Notice Information may be passed to InSync, who provide our Occupational Health Services. You can find more about InSync here.
Your personal information will not be disclosed or shared with anyone (other than detailed above) – unless we are required by law to do so.
Data Protection legislation ensures that you a rein control of your personal data, and you have specific rights afforded to you. These are
Should you wish to discuss invoke any of these rights, or have any further queries about how MAWWFRS use your personal data, please contact our Information Governance and Compliance Officer.
Data Protection Officer
Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service Headquarters
Lime Grove Avenue
SA31 1SP
Email: dataprotection@mawwfire.gov.uk
Telephone: 0370 6060699
You also have the right to raise any concerns you have with the Information Commissioner, who oversees Data Protection Legislation. Further information can be found on the ico.org.uk website or you can contact them here:
The Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Telephone: 0303 123 1113
Last updated: August 2020
Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service is committed to protecting your personal information. This Privacy Notice explains how we use your information and how we protect will look after it.
In line with the guidelines set out within the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2009, Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service have a duty to have in place a Corporate Plan which ensures that we…
We are also required, under that legislation, to consult with key stakeholders. This survey is one way we do this.
Data Protection legislation covers two categories of information – personal data and “sensitive” personal data (for example information about a person’s health, religion or beliefs, ethnicity or sexual orientation).
The survey does include both categories.
Each question we ask has been carefully considered and are asked only when we think they will help us plan our service in the best way to serve our communities.
All of the questions asking for any more sensitive information are optional – you do not have to answer those if you would prefer not to. You can still share your views on the Draft Corporate Plan, however, it may mean that we will be limited in the scope of any detailed analytical reports that are produced. The more information you are willing to provide, the better informed the Service will be.
We do also ask for personal contact details. You are only required to provide this is you wish to be entered into our prize draw – or when you have asked us to contact you for any reason.
For the prize draw, once the lucky winner/s have been contacted, and has claimed their prize, all contact details will be securely disposed of.
If you have asked us to contact you for any other reason your details will be securely disposed of following that contact, unless we agree with you to keep it for any other purpose.
All contact details will be stored securely, and in line with Data Protection legislation.
The Service is are only allowed to collect personal data is there is a “legal basis” for doing so.
Processing personal data for statistical purposes is allowed for under data protection legislation, provided that the result is anonymous data that will not be used to make decisions about any specific individuals. This is how we intend to use the information from the survey.
We also, as mentioned have legal obligation to have a corporate plan, with a statutory requirement to consult with stakeholders and the results of the survey will be used to help plan our services – supporting our public duties and responsibilities.
If you would like further information on this, please contact our Data Protection Officer, whose details are provided at the end of this document.
We collect the information directly from you when you complete the survey either via our website or on the paper form. Any paper forms will be destroyed once the feedback has been collated.
The data you provide to us when completing survey, either online or in paper copy, will be securely stored electronically with the Service. (Paper copies of surveys are entered onto our electronic systems when we receive them).
Access to the information will be carefully controlled to ensure only those staff who need it to perform the analysis have access to it.
Any reports prepared following analysis of the results will be anonymous.
Your personal data will not be shared with any external organisations.
Paper copies of surveys will be securely disposed of deleted as soon as the data has been transferred to our secure network.
Any personal information provided and stored electronically will be destroyed within three months of the end of the consultation.
We hope that this document explains clearly how your personal data will be used, but if, after reading it you still have any questions, or are concerned about the way the Service is processing your personal data please contact our Service Data Protection Officer, whose details are provided below.
Data Protection Office
Mid and West Wales Fire & Rescue Service HQ,
Lime Grove Avenue, Carmarthen, SA31 1SP
Telephone: 01267 226835