What the Service Costs

The majority of funding for the Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service is received by way of levy from the six Unitary Authorities within our area. The contribution is based on population

Our budget

Our budget for 2022/23 is £53,824,230

  • Operational Employees £31,682,480
  • Non-Operational Support Costs £9,268,960
  • Transport £2,351,600
  • Premises £2,932,100
  • Supplies and Services including insurance £5,184,100
  • Capital Financing and Leasing £4,747,900

Revenue Budget Requirement by Constituent Authority

  • Carmarthenshire £11.2M
  • Ceredigion £4.2M
  • Neath Port Talbot £8.5M
  • Pembrokeshire £7.4M
  • Powys £7.8M
  • Swansea £14.7M

How We Spend It

We use our finances to deliver a wide range of services that include prevention, protection and response activities. Of the budget:

  • 74% is spent on Operational activities
  • 18% is spent on Non-operational activities
  • 8% on Capital Financing and Leasing

The service we provide is risk-based not demand-led. The variety of risks, over a massive geographical area, range from:

  • Major petro-chemical industries in Milford Haven and Briton Ferry
  • Heavily populated conurbations Swansea, Port Talbot and Llanelli
  • An extensive coastline with major international ports and extensive inland waterways
  • Extensive farming community and many other light industries throughout the area.

The Service has made significant cost efficiencies since 2010 but continues to face financial challenges in fulfilling all its responsibilities against the back drop of public spending cuts. With an annual revenue budget of £46.8 million the Service is committed to improving efficiency whilst maintaining the delivery of high quality

Capital Investments

Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service has a rolling programme of capital investment. The current 5-year programme 2021/22 to 2025/26 has £40.8m million worth of projects ranging from annual programmes for property steady-state maintenance, vehicle and equipment replacement to major projects for new facilities.

Capital investment is funded through loans, capital receipts, capital contributions, reserves, leases and Welsh Government grants.

 In an emergency call 999

Pay Policy Statement

The Authority’s Pay Policy Statement is required to be published annually. It sets out Mid and West Wales Fire Authority’s policies for the remuneration of its chief officers, the remuneration of its lowest paid employees, and the relationship between the remuneration of its chief officers and its employees who are not Chief Officers.​

Pay Policy Statement

Statement of Accounts

The Authority's Statement of Accounts is a publication required by law. Its prime purpose is to give the public, Members of the Fire Authority, other public bodies and interested parties clear information about the Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Authority's finances.

Visit our Statement of Accounts page for more information