Community Risk Management Plan 2040

Our CRMP highlights how we intend on addressing the risks, threats and challenges facing our communities and how we propose to meet and reduce them, whilst ensuring our assets and resources are used successfully, providing the best possible service to the communities we serve.

Introducing our Community Risk Management Plan 2040

In previous years, the Service has produced two Plans, namely, a five-year Strategic Plan outlining the Service’s long-term Commitments and an Annual Business Improvement Plan outlining the Service’s Improvement and Well-being Objectives. The communities we serve are at the heart of everything we do and recognising the need to plan for the longer-term we decided to revise our planning arrangements, the outcome of which was the introduction of a Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP) 2040. Our CRMP highlights how we intend on addressing the risks, threats and challenges facing our communities and how we propose to meet and reduce them, whilst ensuring our assets and resources are used successfully, providing the best possible service to the communities we serve.

Using data to identify any perceived risks and challenges in our communities will help us to tailor our services appropriately and reduce those risks through the services we deliver, by providing greater focus on how we deliver our prevention, protection, and response functions. This work will also enable us to target our resources to prevent incidents from happening, whilst ensuring that our resources are in the right locations to best protect the communities we serve in the event of an emergency.

Furthermore, effective monitoring and evaluation arrangements will enable us to plan our future activity, improving public safety and reducing the severity of incidents we attend. We will also focus on our legitimate purpose, understanding the needs of our communities, and mitigating the impact of emergencies on the people who live, work and travel through mid and west Wales.

 Roger Thomas Chief Fire Officer

Read Our Community Risk Management Plan 2040


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Community Risk Management Plan 2040


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Easy Read Community Risk Management Plan 2040

Community Risk Management Plan 2040 - At a Glance

Equality Assessment Report 

Welsh Language Assessment Report 

Our Improvement and Wellbeing Objectives

We will improve our organisational culture to ensure we operate within the standards expected of a modern-day Fire and Rescue Service.

We will remain committed to making improvements to our On-Call Duty system to support the needs of our communities.

We will review the risks within our communities and to our people.

We will review and implement changes to the way in which we respond to emergencies to meet the changing demands of our community.

We will regularly review our Prevention (Community Safety) and Protection (Business Fire Safety) strategies to target and support the most vulnerable in our communities.

We will engage and consult with our communities to understand their expectations of us.

We will work in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way.

We will evolve our fleet and equipment requirements so we can effectively respond to emergencies.

Our Enablers

Achievement of the priorities and objectives we have outlined is dependent upon a range of enabling functions, each of which plays a critical role in the day-to-day function of the organisation whilst ensuring we have the provisions in place to support continuous and meaningful improvement.

Our People

We recognise that our people are the heart of our organisation and are key to the successful delivery of everything we do. We are committed to ensuring our workforce is representative of the communities we serve whilst inspiring and encouraging them to become the best they can be. Our people will be supported by the Service with their health and well-being to have the personal resilience they need to carry out their role.

Leadership and Management: Governance, decision making and continuous improvement.

We provide effective leadership and management that is proactive and allows us to adapt successfully to emerging opportunities, potential threats, and challenges. We are accountable for the decisions we make. Good governance and responsible decision-making are imperative to ensure we continue delivering the best services to our communities.

We recognise that accountability isn’t just about taking responsibility – it involves committing to a set of actions, attitudes, aspirations, and expectations that establish how we lead and manage, the value we can add to our existing service, and driving any innovation we wish to undertake.

Financial Resilience

As with any organisation, financial sustainability is key to long-term success. Whilst we settle our budget annually, we will work hard to manage our budget, capital programme and financial management arrangements to ensure we can plan and deliver an effective Service for the longer term.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Self-regulating our contribution to the well-being of Wales through environmental and social measures plays a crucial role in our Service. Being environmentally friendly; promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace; giving back to the community; and ensuring business decisions are ethical will all form part of the golden thread of our Service and will directly inform the day-to-day actions we take.

Digital and Information Communications Technologies Strategy

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) plays a pivotal role in providing the tools, capabilities, and infrastructure necessary to achieve our strategic aspirations. We are using digital and information technologies to support both our operational delivery and business transformation, and we will continually improve and enhance this as newer technology becomes available. We remain committed to exploiting digital and information technology solutions to deliver our strategic objectives.

Partnerships and Collaboration

Our future success is directly linked to how we work with others. We recognise the importance of meaningful and effective partnerships and the need to develop and maintain collaborative initiatives with key stakeholders. It is without a doubt that partnerships and collaboration where appropriate can support the delivery of better outcomes for our communities whilst playing a part in delivering our services in a better, more cost-effective, and efficient way.