Our Performance

Over the past ten years, through careful planning, we have seen a reduction in the number of incidents we attend. With better outcomes for those affected and the communities within which they occur. We have achieved all this while making large savings.

What we've achieved

Value for money

We are tremendous value for money and from a survey recently undertaken, it seems you do too. Since 2006 we have already reduced our budget by 20%, that's £9million! and as a service we currently cost you £4 a month, that's only 14p per day!

Following a difficult year, we are entering an even more challenging financial future and we will need to make further efficiencies.

Keeping your community safe

Our 58 fire stations covering approximately 4,500 square miles with a population of over 910,000 living in more than 431,000 households and attend over 13,000 incidents every year.

 We cover 4500 square miles (11700 km2); with a population of 910,027; living 431,437 households.
 We've attended: 2811 house fires (4.2% decrease on the previous five years); 4863 road traffic collisions (1.3% decrease from 4927); 12,496 medical response incidents (2.7% decrease); 1719 flooding incidents (19.8% increase from 1435).

The incidents we've attended

Over the last 5 years, we have attended:

  • 2811 house fires,
  • 882 non-domestic fires,
  • 4863 road traffic accidents,
  • 4118 grass and forestry fires,
  • 1719 flooding incidents and
  • 12,496 medical responses.

Working with our communities

As a Service, we have:

  • Delivered 85,682 home safety checks throughout our communities,
  • Engaged with over 184,401 young people through education and prevention programmes, and
  • Undertaken 10,978 business inspections.

This costs you just 14p a day which is only £52 a year!

 We've undertaken 85,682 home fire safety checks; engaged with 184,401 (children and young people through our education programmes); 10,978 business inspections (and Business Fire Safety engagements); 164,403 emergency calls (taken in our Joint Fire Control Room); 24 site sharing arrangements (with partner organisations). All of this costs you: 14p a day, £4 a month, £52 a year.