Safe and Well Visit

Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service is committed to delivering the best possible service for the communities of Mid and West Wales. 

If you live in Mid and West Wales, we offer the opportunity to have a Safe and Well Visit in your home.  They are completely free and available to everyone.  Visit here to see the full list of our Fire Stations and the area we cover.

If you live in Wales but not in our service area, please contact North Wales Fire and Rescue Service or South Wales Fire and Rescue Service.

A Safe and Well Visit includes all the contents of the home fire safety checks but will also include other safety messages that may be relevant to the people living in the property. The five main additional topics will cover

  • Smoking cessation
  • Home security
  • Falls prevention
  • Scamming awareness
  • Tackling loneliness and isolation

Booking a Safe and Well Visit is quick and easy.

Please call us on 0800 169 1234 or complete our online form.  If you have a defective alarm which was installed by the Fire and Rescue Service, please contact 0800 169 1234 for a replacement or email

If you’re referring from an Agency, please complete the Agency Referral Form.

The provision of smoke alarms and other home safety items by Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service is supported by funding from Welsh Government.