It only takes a split second for happy hour to end in a nightmare. Figures state that about a quarter of all adult drowning victims have alcohol in their bloodstream. If you’ve had a drink, stay away from the water.
- Don’t walk home near water, you might fall in
- Look out for your friends, make sure they get home safely
- Don’t enter the water if you have been drinking
- Alcohol seriously affects your ability to get yourself out of trouble
- Alcohol lowers inhibitions, leading to impaired judgment which means you are more likely to take risks and get into trouble
- Alcohol limits muscle ability making simple movements much harder
- Alcohol slows down your reactions making it more difficult to get yourself out of trouble
- Alcohol numbs the senses particularly sight, sound and touch, making swimming very difficult
- Whatever your activity and your ability, the water can always catch you out as it’s very easy to underestimate its power.
- Stay safe by spotting the dangers, you may swim well in a warm swimming indoor swimming pool but that does not mean you will be able to swim in the cold water of the seas, rivers, quarries or reservoirs.
- Don’t ignore safety advice, special flags and notices that warn you of any dangers. Know what each sign means and what they are telling you to do.
- Never swim alone as if you get into danger in open water, there’s someone who can get help. Children should always be accompanied by an adult.
- You should never go into the water if you have been drinking. Alcohol is a contributing factor in many water related incidents as it seriously impairs your judgement, reactions and ability to swim.
- The effect on the body after entering cold water is often underestimated. Cold water shock can be a precursor to drowning.
- Take a minute. The initial effects of cold water pass in less than a minute so don’t try to swim straight away.
- Relax and float on your back to catch your breath. Try to get hold of something that will help you float.
- Keep calm then call for help or swim for safety if you’re able.
- Anything below 15ᵒC is defined as being cold water and seriously affects breathing, as well as movement.
- Did you know that the average UK sea temperature is just 12ᵒC? Rivers are colder than that, even in summer, the risk of cold water shock is significant most of the year.
- It only takes half a pint of water to enter the lungs for a fully grown person to start drowning. Make sure you get medical care immediately
- Taking part in leisure activities, in and around the water’s edges, is great fun. It’s not about stopping our communities from enjoying the waterways of the UK, but simply raising awareness of the potential risks and encouraging them to stay safe.
- 50% of people who drown, never expected to be in the water.
- It is very cold and could cause cold water shock or hypothermia
- There may be hidden currents which could make it difficult to swim back to shore.
- It can be difficult to get out e.g. steep slimy banks
- It can be deeper than it looks and can be difficult to estimate the water’s depth.
- In the water there may be hidden rubbish or debris e.g. shopping trolleys, broken glass etc.
- If swimming in rivers, quarries or reservoirs there will be no lifeguards around to help.
- The water may be polluted and cause illnesses.
- Ring 999 and ask for the Fire and Rescue Service if inland or Coastguard if at the coast.
- Shout to the person “Swim to me”.
- Throw them something to help them to keep above the surface
- If possible, reach to help them
- Don’t go into the water, you can become another casualty
- Keep an eye on them and gather information for the emergency services
- Carry a means of calling for help
- If you see someone who you think may be planning on harming themselves, call 999.
Useful links
For more advice and guidance visit: