Wildfires / Open Fires

During the summer, grass and mountains can become very dry, which means if you deliberately or accidentally start a fire outdoors it will spread very quickly, destroying everything in its path.  The damage to the surrounding landscape and the effect on historic features, habitats and wildlife largely goes unrecognised.

Wildfires / Open fires

  • Do not leave fires unattended.
  • It should be downwind, at least 10m from the tent.
  • Build a stack that will collapse inwards whilst burning.
  • Make sure that fires are fully extinguished after use.
  • Clear dry vegetation leaves etc to form a circle of earth around the fire.
  • Make sure that any embers being caught by the wind are not landing on other peoples’ tents or caravans.


Be a good neighbour

  • When burning anything in your garden please consider the effect the smoke may have on you neighbours. 
  • Smoke from your fire may force people to close windows and prevent them from cooling their homes. People with breathing difficulties and respiratory disorders often suffer more in hot conditions and the smoke from a fire may make their condition worse. 
  • If your neighbours have washing out, please let them know of your intentions to have a fire so that they have an opportunity to gather it in before you start burning. 
  • Be willing to extinguish your fire. If a neighbour is being affected by your fire please don’t take it personally. The considerate thing to do would be to extinguish the fire and relieve their discomfort.