
Here at Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service we make Road safety a high priority objective. Through a variety of schemes, motorcyclists are an area of road safety that we target.

Biker Down! Cymru

As bikers tend to ride in groups or pairs, it is usually the case that when one is involved in an accident the first person on the scene will be a fellow biker. Biker Down! aims to reduce the number of motorcyclists killed and seriously injured in road accidents and is delivered by Operational Firefighters / the Fire Bike Team from Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service.

The course comprises of three modules:

  • Managing an Accident Scene
  • First Aid
  • The Science of Being Seen

The course will give participants a better understanding of what to do if they come across a road traffic collision and how to manage it safely.

How much does the course cost?
Thanks to Road Safety Grant funding from Welsh Government the course is FREE of charge. On completion of the course the participants will get a free first aid kit.

To find out when and where the next Biker Down course is in your area contact our Road Safety Manager.

Station Manager Spencer Lewis 
Telephone: 0370 60 60 699


This initiative takes place at identified biker assembly venues on popular biker routes in Wales. Along with numerous partners we undertake engagement, education and discussion on the attitudes of the “at risk” bikers. It is designed to break down barriers and steer bikers towards the Bike safe programme.

Bike Safe is a Police led motorcycle project that is run by most forces throughout the UK. The main aim is to reduce the number of bikers being hurt on the roads. We think that riding should be fun and by improving skills, knowledge and hazard awareness it will hopefully make riding safer and more enjoyable.

The Bike Safe workshop explores the main issues facing today’s bikers. It also explores the principles of advanced riding through the on-road element. The Bike Safe Observer will give assessment and feedback which will highlight areas where the rider needs to develop. (introduction from BS website)

Mid & West Wales Fire and Rescue Service provide observers from its Fire bike team to assist with Bike Safe courses and also provides the venues for the scheme.

We are proud to be working with our partners from Road Safety Wales to deliver this important motorcycle safety program.

Fire Bikes

Over 22% of Road Deaths that occur in Wales involve Motorcyclists. In order to reduce death and injury to motorcycle riders and their passengers, Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service have purchased two Police specified motorcycles and have formed a BikeSafe team.

In order to improve Safety on Welsh roads with our partners we will:

  • Provide a visible deterrent on the road that will discourage speeding and dangerous driving.
  • Deploy at known Biker meeting points and engage with motorcyclists.
  • Attend bike shows and race meetings.
  • Promote advanced motorcycle driving courses.

Remember the Fatal 5

Fatal Five

  • Don’t drink / drug drive
  • Kill your speed
  • Don’t get careless
  • Belt up
  • Switch it off