If you wish to make a complaint or have concerns about the fire safety of a premises, please contact us on 0370 60 60 699, and ask for the Business Safety Department for the area.
Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service has the responsibility of enforcing The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (opens in a new window/tab) in Mid and West Wales. As an enforcing authority, MAWWFRS have adopted the principles of the Enforcement Concordat and as such will work to the standards set within that Concordat. In order to satisfy the Concordat’s principle of consistency, Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service has set out a clear policy for the investigation of fire safety complaints and concerns and the actions to be taken.
Concerns and complaints relating to fire safety matters in commercial premises can be received at any time and at any location within the Service. It will be necessary to act immediately once your complaint has been received, and it is imperative in such cases that your complaint is dealt with in accordance with Service guidance by an appropriate warranted Business Fire Safety Officer.
To comply with the Regulators Code 2014 (opens in a new window/tab) the service will follow the principle of “collect once, use many times” when requesting information from those we regulate and when the law allows, the service will agree to share information with other regulators about businesses and other bodies they regulate, to help target resources and activities and minimise duplication.
Any complaints we receive can be broadly divided into the following categories:-
- A genuine concern expressed by an individual about what appears to them to be a deficient standard of fire safety at specific premises. The reasoning for informing MAWWFRS of this situation is both to raise the fire safety standards and also to prevent any occurrence directly resulting from the deficiency.
- A malicious concern with no evidence of a known deficiency. The reasoning for this type of complaint is usually aggravation between both parties with potential economic gain by the complainant and/or causing disruption to the subject of the complaint.
Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service will deal with fire safety complaints received in a number of different ways, for example in person, by telephone, by letter or e-mail etc.
Individuals raising concerns will be encouraged to provide their contact details at the time of making the complaint. However, any anonymous complaints we receive will be accepted, recorded and will be investigated at the discretion of the Investigating Officer.
When the complainant is known, confidentiality must be maintained to protect the identity of the complainant. Personal information will be kept in the strictest confidence. This is important in order to avoid deterring possible complainants being concerned that giving details could lead to discrimination or other negative action towards them. However there may be appropriate circumstances where it is necessary to share the identity of a complainant to other agencies.
You can be assured that any concerns you have will be thoroughly investigated.
If you wish to make a complaint or have concerns about the fire safety of a premises, please contact us on 0370 60 60 699, and ask for the Business Safety Department for the area.