Pre Planning Consultation

Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service (the Service) is the enforcing authority for the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 in relation to appropriate premises situated in the Service’s area.

The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012 (“DMPWO”) and the Developments of National Significance (Procedure) (Wales) Order 2016 (‘DNSPWO’) (referred to collectively as “the Procedure Orders”) place a statutory requirement on key bodies to be consulted at the pre-application and post-submission consultation stages of the consenting processes for planning applications and applications for Developments of National Significance (DNS).

On 27th October 2021, The Development Procedure (Consultees) (Wales) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Order 2021 (“the Order”) was laid before the Senedd. The Order amends the Procedure Orders so as to make Fire and Rescue Authorities (FRAs) in Wales ‘statutory consultees’ for certain types of development at both pre-application and post-submission stages. This will apply to planning applications to be determined by local planning authorities (LPAs) and DNS applications determined by the Welsh Ministers.

From 24th January 2022, for developers, and from 25th April 2022, for LPAs, the Service will become statutory consultees for certain types of development at both pre-application and post-submission stages.

Full consultation procedural guidance and documentation required for consultation can be found at: