Regulators’ Code 2014

The Regulators' Code 2014 is a statutory code of practice intended to encourage regulators to achieve their objectives in a way that minimises the burdens on business.

Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service is committed to better, smarter regulation that promotes business growth and already has policies, procedures, and mechanisms in place to ensure we carry out our regulatory responsibilities, including firm but fair enforcement, in accordance with the principles of good regulation. We comply with the five principles of good regulation i.e. proportionality, accountability, consistency, transparency, and targeting which are enshrined in our current Enforcement Policy. 

The UK and Welsh Governments are committed to reducing regulatory burdens and supporting compliant business growth through the development of an open and constructive relationship between regulators and those they regulate.

The Regulators' Code 2014 (opens in a new window/tab) (The Code) is a statutory code of practice intended to encourage regulators to achieve their objectives in a way that minimises the burdens on business. The purpose of the Code is to embed a risk-based, proportionate, targeted, and flexible approach to regulatory inspection and enforcement among the regulators to which it applies. This approach will ensure that regulators are efficient and effective in their work, without imposing unnecessary burdens on those they regulate. The Code is based on the seven principles of inspection and enforcement identified in the Philip Hampton report "Reducing administrative burdens: effective inspection and enforcement (opens in a new window/tab)" (2005).

Business Fire Safety Enforcement Strategy

This Enforcement Policy Statement is based on the principles of ‘Better Regulation’ contained in the Regulators’ Code 2014 and sets out the approach the Authorities will take to enforce the legislation. It will be used in conjunction with guidance issued by the Welsh Assembly Government, Parliament; Communities and Local Government; the Department for Business Innovation and Skills, the Better Regulation Delivery Office and other relevant government departments.

Business Fire Safety Enforcement Strategy

How We Meet the Regulators Code 2014

This document has been written to embrace the national enforcement priorities for Wales and to comply with section 6.3 of the Regulators’ Code 2014. It explains how Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service’s Business Fire Safety (BFS) Department will fulfill its statutory obligations to those we regulate in order that they will have a clear understanding of the services that can be expected and will feel able to challenge if these services are not being fulfilled.

How We Meet the Regulators Code 2014